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  1. Kristys STEAM project was about the shaft section of the tibia. This focuses on the classifications of fractures. Tibia fractures are the most common type of fracture. When pressure is applied to the bone, fractures can occur. There are different types of fractures. They can break in certain patterns and different locations. The proximal, shaft, or distal part of the fracture could determine the type of damage. The types of patterns that can happen when a bone is fractured are open, closed, transverse, oblique, spiral, comminuted, greenstick, impacted, and segmental. Unlike a closed fracture, an open fracture means that the bone is visible. The transverse fracture has a clean cut through the bone while oblique fractures are damaged at an angle. Spiral fractures are irregular, comminuted fractures are in two or more pieces, and greenstick fractures are when the bone is bent. When a bone is out of place, it’s an impacted fracture. Segmental fractures occur when the bone needs to be reattached. Treatments are different for each type of fracture. To determine a fracture, X- rays have to happen. The X-rays will be able to identify the severity of the damage. Casts are for the slightly damaged bones. More extreme damages will include intramedullary nailing, the process of having rods through the bone. Intramedullary nails hold everything together. Reaming nails help with stability. Non-reaming nails will help speed up the process.

    Camryn Williams

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