Since we are required to submit a photo of our project and I cannot upload my movie to the website, here is a photo of the movie I made. If you’re really interested, here is a link to the full video: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | Ivy Daly’s STEAM Project 2023 – YouTube
A cute in-the-real-world interpretation of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis that’s easy to understand. I enjoyed the out-of-body view that explained the disease, which was the same one Steven Hawking suffered from, which was a relatable reference that I appreciated. ALS is the impairment of motor neurons and it seems to affect people mostly 55-75 years of age, specifically caucasian males with an unknown correlation to military veterans over hereditary traits. ALS starts to kill off motor neurons which begins to show early symptoms of stiffness and lack of dexterity. This progresses to death after 2-4 years, potentially due to defects in the ubiquitin–proteasome system, the protein recycling system, that impairs recycling and leads to protein death. Advanced symptoms include difficulty swallowing, leading to malnutrition. Gradually all voluntary muscle control will be lost and muscles will deteriorate, but the mind will still be aware and trapped in a non-functioning body.