1. The course objective for this project is to know the parts of the bone and their shape specifically pertaining to the spine while incorporating a spinal defect called Spina Bifida Occulta. L3 through S1 is present in the model. Also, there is an opening or gap present on L5 and S1 displaying what is known as Spina Bifida Occulta. Spina Bifida Occulta is a defect in the spine causing a gap in the backbone exposing the spinal cord, nerves, and meninges. This defect often causes paralysis in the lumbar or sacral spine, and is developed at the start of birth. This defect is not normally discovered until late childhood to early adulthood because of the specific symptoms that are associated with Spina Bifida Occulta. Typically, the symptoms that are associated are not life threatening, and some of these symptoms can be foot deformities, leg weakness, numbness, clumsiness, bowel dysfunction, bladder problems, or hand weakness/ numbness. Oftentimes, there are cases where a person may not display any type of symptoms. In regards to treating Spina Bifida Occulta, it depends on a case by case basis. Patients that display no symptoms or pain do not require any treatment unless symptoms do begin to arise. Patients with more serious symptoms, such as having a tethered spinal cord, will be required to undergo surgery. The surgery consists of the surgeon opening up the area of the spinal column to untether the spinal cord. After a successful surgery, the surgeon requires a follow up appointment to verify the spinal cord did not tether up again.

  2. The objective of this project is to know the parts of the bone and their shape, particularly the spine. This project was made to display the shape of the spinal column that is affected by a neurological condition called spina bifida occulta. Spina bifida is a condition, or birth disorder, due to the incomplete development of the spine. Spina bifida occulta is the mildest version of this condition involving a small gap in the spine. The other common types of spina bifida are called myelomeningocele, the most serious, and meningocele. The gap that occurs in the spina bifida condition can be anywhere along the spine although most often it is seem in the lumbo-sacral region. This disorder can be diagnosed during pregnancy or when a baby is born if it is one of the more serious types of spina bifida. If someone has the mildest version then it may go undiagnosed until late childhood or adulthood, although it could also never go diagnosed if the individual never experiences any symptoms. The symptoms most commonly seen in those with spina bifida are loss of feeling in the legs or feet, not being able to move their legs, how someone goes to the bathroom, back pain, and many more as no two people with this disorder are alike. The treatments vary depending on where in the spine they are affected and the severity of the condition. Treatments range from surgery to close the spine before the baby is born, a shunt put in the brain as a baby, surgery to untether the spinal cord, as well as physical therapy.

    Mollie Fisher

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