The egg laying industry is one that looks to optimize egg production in chickens. In order to improve chicken egg production, they must have nutritional values met, an increase in light and temperature exposure, stress levels, as well as access to a perch. Consuming calcium allows chickens to store the mineral until they are ready to reproduce. When the light exposure is increased, they will release the calcium from their medullary cavity for the egg shells. If not met the chickens will not produce eggs or will produce low quality eggs. For my project I created a set of little kid toys in order to give kids an opportunity to learn how to take care of their chickens. By providing them with a calcium supplement, a perch, and access to the light, the chicken can sit on its nest filled with eggs.
The objective Emma covered was of describing a common nutrition deficiency and circannual rhythms in relation to chicken egg laying and chicken health.
The project described how chicken egg laying is influenced by many factors, and such factors won’t necessarily inhibit egg laying completely, but will influence overall quality of the eggs such as egg number or the condition of the eggs. Emma described how baby chickens need a lot of food to supply energy towards growth, and chickens with a high fiber diet were correlated with consuming greater quantities of food and hence are able to utilize nutrients consumed more efficiently. Once the chickens have matured, the ones fed a high fiber diet were linked to producing more eggs because they gained weight faster and hence were able to start laying eggs sooner.
Also, Emma discussed how deficiency of vitamins and minerals can decrease the quality of eggs produced. Calcium composes the egg shells, and chickens absorb calcium in the gut and release it into the bloodstream once ready to lay eggs. Methionine was a supplement linked to more egg laying.
Furthermore, chickens’ circannual rhythm was discussed. Chickens’ annual rhythm allows them to lay eggs in times of the year (spring) when the chicks have a higher likelihood of survival. Spring egg laying is cued by the presence of more light and increasing temperature.
Lastly, Emma mentioned how environmental stressors can impact chickens’ circannual rhythms, and most in the chicken industry are caused by inadequate housing. Chickens need a perch (a safe spot to chill) and a quiet space (no overcrowding). Because if stressors get too overwhelming then the chickens go into flight or flight vs. focusing their energy on reproducing and laying eggs.