For my project, I chose to explore the Tetralogy of Fallot, a combination of four heart conditions at once. This condition is present at birth and causes low oxygen in the blood flow from the heart to the body. Symptoms of this condition include difficulty breathing and blue-tinged skin. As a new form of art, I explored the Tetralogy of Fallot even further by creating a string art piece of a normal heart and a heart cursed with Tetralogy of Fallot.
Addison Elsik chose to do her STEAM project on the Tetralogy of Fallot, which is a combination of four heart conditions happening simultaneously.. This condition causes low oxygen in the blood flow from the heart to the body. Symptoms include difficulty breathing and blue=tinged skin. The objective she covered was to explain the structure and function of the heart. She specifically chose to focus on how a normal heart functions compared to the functionality of a heart with the Tetralogy of Fallot disorder. Addison chose to explore this disorder by creating a string art piece of a normal heart as well as one of a heart afflicted with Tetralogy of Fallot disorder to show the differences.
The four different defects associated with Tetralogy of Fallot disorder include: a hole between the lower chambers of the heart, an obstruction from the heart to the lungs, the aorta lying over the hole in the lower chambers, and where the muscle surrounding the lower right chamber becomes overly thickened. This condition is present at birth. Two types of surgery are currently available for this condition. Long-term survival rates are good, at 90%.
Addison chose to use string art to depict a normal heart versus one afflicted with Tetralogy of Fallot disorder. She chose a very creative art form and accurately depicted the differences between a normally functioning heart and one with Tetralogy of Fallot disorder.