My STEAM project is on bone repair after a comminuted fracture of the calcaneus bone. The four steps of bone repair are hematoma formation, fibrocartilaginous callus formation, bony callus formation, and bone remodeling. I modeled all my bones out of fondant and used real screws to depict the screws.
Hunter did her STEAM project on the reconstruction of the calcaneus bone. Her objective was to know the stages of bone development and repair, which I believe she accomplished well. The visual of her project, which she made out of fondant, was a great representation. I think it was a good way to show how the body reacts to a shattered calcaneus, especially when it came to the hematoma and swelling. I also think it was a good choice, because it was probably much easier to manipulate and work with.
In the beginning of Hunter’s essay, she talks about the specific break, why it is one of the most painful, and how it may occur. I think that the description of how the break can occur from many different actions is a great addition because it gives the viewer or reader an idea of how much force must be put on that bone and in what directions. It can be important to know the different possible ways for a break to occur.
The way Hunter explained the different stages of the healing process after the break later in her essay is very well written. She went by the different days and explained what was going on in each stage physiologically. For example, she explained that from days five to eleven, fibroblasts, cartilage, and osteogenic cells are working on reconstruction, and later on, bone construction throughout years is brought up to finish the “stages.”