
For my project, I made a model of a chest with the rare heart condition, Ectopia Cordis. It was my goal to simulate the effects of this condition as it would appear on a newborn, and depict how the heart develops outside of the chest cavity, and is made visible from the abdominal wall. I based my topic on Course Objective #42, as I wanted to learn more about abnormalities in the formation and structure of the heart. I believe I also briefly touched on Objective #19 as well, as this defect is formed during the early development of a fetus. This condition is cause when the sternum doesn’t fuse properly in utero and as the heart forms, it does so from the protection of the chest cavity. Despite the high mortality rate at infancy, several patients with this condition are able to still maintain a lifestyle, but are at risk of higher health complications. To simulate the condition, I baked a loaf of bread to act as the chest area and inserted a potato in the center to act as the heart. I used red dye and spray glue to give my “heart” a more realistic, textured appearance at it emerges through the “cavity”.  




One Comment

  1. Anna did a great job using bread and a potato to represent the heart and the abdominal wall I’m impressed by the creativity! Anna did her project on Ectopia Cordis which Anna explains is a ‘rare heart condition’ where the heart will grow through the wall of the abdomen rather than in the chest cavity. The display clearly represents the heart growing through the abdominal wall. The rare complication is due to the rib cage and sternum not growing properly as Anna stated in the description of her project. In the heart I like how Anna used more than one color for the heart. I feel like it adds a more realistic affect to the heart as well as definition and value, I was able to instantly recognize that it was a heart. I am unsure if it was intentional or not but the two indents just above the heart almost looks like it represents the nipple line and there’s also a belly button below the heart. I think these are very helpful details as it gives a clear representation that the heart has developed outside of the chest cavity and below the sternum. It is also very well blended! Anna did a great job representing objective #42 and I do agree that she had touched base with objective #19. Overall, I think it is a great display and it was very creative and Anna put great effort and thought into her project.


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