One Comment

  1. Kylie did an excellent job displaying what atopic dermatitis looked like through a fantastic drawing of it. By definition, atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the integumentary system, more specifically the skin. In the picture the woman has red spots throughout her body, in this instance the red spots are from ranging from the woman’s chest all the way to the upper ear of the face. In the photo the spots appear to be red as well, which would appear to be a symptom of Atopic dermatitis which is remarkably similar to eczema. Atopic dermatitis usually becomes red, dry, and itchy. As someone who suffers from eczema, I can tell you firsthand that the first thing I want to do is when I have small, or large fare ups is scratch the area because my skin feels so dry and inflamed that my natural response is to scratch. Doctors have told me that there is not a direct cure for atopic dermatitis, and I will have to manage the symptoms of it through my entire life. The most common way to manage symptoms is through moisturizing a lot. There are over the counter creams that you can purchase in your local Walmart or CVS that do an excellent job of helping with symptoms such as cereve. Another way of managing symptoms is through doctor prescribed creams. These creams essentially help you avoid or minimize the symptoms of atopic dermatitis so they will help with itching and inflammation. Overall, kylie did an excellent job of displaying what atopic dermatitis looks like, this is great for visual learners like myself.

    Julian Jones

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