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  1. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the joints, specifically aggravating the synovium. The exact is unknown, but factors like genetics, hormones, and environment play a hand in the disease, as well as additional factors such as family history, smoking, and obesity.

    The rate of RA’s development is dependent on the individual, with the rate of development ranging from incredibly slow, to severe development over the course of days. Treatments may vary depending on the stage, with treatment at earlier stages focusing on reducing inflammation through medication enough to enter remission. Dietary restrictions may be beneficial for earlier stages, as omega-3 fatty acids are recommended to reduce inflammation. Other treatments include physical therapy, low-impact exercises, and if the condition has advanced joint surgery may be necessary.

    The art piece included is a watercolor illustration breaking down the four stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis and its increasing symptoms, damage, as well as likelihood of treatment. The first stage illustrates the initial irritation, as well as the first symptoms of inflammation and joint pain. The second stage illustrates the worsening inflammation and the cartilage begins to sustain damage, as well as pain and stiffness in the joint. The third stage illustrates the cartilage destroyed completely, and the start of bone damage with symptoms of worsened pain and decreased range of movement. Finally, the fourth stage illustrates the inflammation subsiding, but the pain persists and worsens, with a chance of the joint fusing together completely in a process called ankylosis, which could result in full movement loss.

    Andriana Duncanson

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