When the immunity dose you harm, IgA Nephropathy

Healthy Kidney- Cross-sectional view of a healthy kidney that I made with cake, fondant, and rice krispie treats. You can see the cortex, medulla (pyramids, canals), pelvis, arterioles, renal hilum, renal artery, renal vein and ureter. Kidney with IgA Nephropathy-This cake shows an advanced stage of IgA Nephropathy. The black around …

Electrifying Cardiac

Cardiac Pacemaker The heart is a involuntary muscle that contracts on its own by and electrical impulse. The hearts internal battery so to speak is the sinus node that is located in the right atrium. There are four chambers of the heart where blood is pumped to two different places. …

Total Proctocolectomy with Permanent Ileostomy

I focused on the digestive system, specifically what a digestive system looks like and how it functions after a total proctocolectomy with a permanent ileostomy. A total proctocolectomy involves removing the large intestine, colon, and rectum. An ileostomy is when the terminal ileum is brought through an incision in the …