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    My partner for this project abstract is Courtney Stephens. As I was reading Courtney’s essay I found it very interesting and I had a lot of questions of my own at the end. First off, I would like to say that I enjoyed how she broke down all the parts to how the knee is structured, and gave examples as well, like when she mentioned “Ball and socket joints are when a rounded head of one bone fits into a concave articulation of another bone. Hip bones are a good example.” It helped me illustrate a picture in my head of what she was talking about, and I could imagine the movements and what ligament was attached to another when she discussed what forms pivots and where we can find certain joints. I liked how she also explained all the movements within the joint she was talking about. You can tell she is very educated in this subject. As someone who currently works in the medical field, and is pursuing the medical field, I love learning about new conditions and diseases. Before I read this essay I had heard of gout but I thought it was originally something that had to do with the gastrointestinal system and not joints, so I am happy to have more knowledge on what it is ( type of arthritis that is acute and inflammatory), where it occurs (knee, elbow, joint), who it affects (older aged people and african americans), what it is (a condition where there is s deposition of too much uric acid within a body joint) and what symptoms are associated with it ( joint pain, tenderness, swelling, and stiffness). I also enjoyed looking at her artwork, and seeing what a normal knee looks like versus gout. Even in the drawing you could tell how painful that condition must be.

    Jailah Sims

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