NOT PICTURED: On the back of each of these images I explain what the brain structures normal function is in accordance to normal neurodevelopment. I then explain the structural impairments observed in a child diagnosed with FAS compared to a child without a diagnosis of FAS.
Macy Zweifel’s project titled ‘Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS): effect on child’s developing brain’ was very thorough and comprehensive. Much attention was placed on identifying locations specifically damaged by FAS and how this affects the child in the future. Fulfilling the objective addressed of “Identify the various components and key structures of the nervous system”. The paper goes into an in-depth analysis of regions of the brain and how consuming alcohol while pregnant affects those regions on a cellular level. This included areas such as the diencephalon, anterior vermis/cerebellum, and corpus callosum. These areas are then depicted in Zweifel’s drawings of the brain. The drawings assist in the paper’s description of the impact of FAS by showing the position in the brain. The regions listed above each have their own image associated and the regions are colored in to show their importance and location. The project also includes a comprehensive image showing every area affected and labels for identification. Zweifel’s paper does a great job of describing the structural problems that occur in FAS children. One subject addressed is how white matter is affected by alcohol teratogenesis, and how brains with FAS experience reduced myelination affecting neuron communication. Furthermore, the write-up describes agenesis (decreased volume in a brain region) occurring in the corpus callosum. In another paragraph, Zweifel explains how the anterior vermis (part of the cerebellum) is affected by damage to the Purkinje cells and the impact this has. Lastly, the diencephalon is explained to experience shrinkage and cell death from fetal alcohol exposure. The research for these findings consisted of four seemingly credible sources. In future projects, it would be helpful if the paper was organized better and constructed in such a way that each topic flowed from one to the next.