One Comment

  1. This is an artistic rendering of the evolution of the human heart, and a comparison between it and the chambers within it in comparison to different species. We see a single heart next to a fish and the fish is completely fine, living its best fishy life. However the same cannot be said of the human next to it. So the human had to evolve, needing a bigger heart to combat leaving the water and growing in size. We see 4 hearts on the next person, which we can assume means that the heart contains four chambers and utilizes multiple valves to keep the blood flowing in the correct direction through the various chambers. We also see a frog next to the larger image of a human. The frog also shows four hearts within it. This could be because they have similar chambers to us, but I believe they actually have three unlike humans which of course have four. But both species had to evolve beyond the simplistic hearts of our ancestors. In the frog’s case they remain smaller and don’t pump nearly as much blood as we do just based on size. This piece of art leaves a lot to the imagination, the colors make you think of the blood being pumped by the various hearts you see represented. But it’s abstract enough to make you have to think about it, there isn’t really an immediate answer that jumps out at you.

    Josef Maier

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