Spoiler alert! If you haven’t seen the telivision series “The Boys” please do not read any further. If you have, enjoy this odd project.


Creative inspiration is a weird thing. It requires one part listening to the odd things bouncing around in your head; in another, it requires you to connect those things to various other concepts and then trust that. This project is odd in that it connects the often perverse incentives of pharmaceutical sales with the real need to solve a problem. The problem I plan to explore here is inducing lactation in non-pregnant females. I am examining the course objective of “explain the stages of lactation and hormones involved” through the lens of the television show called “The Boys”. More specifically, I wish to show the protocol of inducing lactation under the false pretense of improving the health of the woman who purchases the protocol from a corporation. On its own, this is an extremely dangerous and unethical thing to propose. My intent, however, is to provide a critique of the length at which corporations are willing to go to sell their product.My essay contains three components: the basic scientific explanation of the induction of lactation, my commentary on how businesses can use predatory practices to maximize profit, and how they are portrayed in this fake advertisement through the company Vought International. This essay is supported by a short film portraying a false news channel and two advertisements (one of which I created). The other, I borrowed from Amazon Studios to establish the believability of the world. Now, the basic premise of the short video is to promote that women can – indeed should – induce lactation for their health. The actual reason is much more subtle. Homelander – the villain and unstable leader of Vought –  is a psychopath who must be placated via breast milk. I’ll explain this more in depth but for now just know that Homelander is the negative version of Superman and has the capacity to destroy the entire world. This paper does not comment on or discuss the complex psychology behind this particular sexual fetish. That is far beyond the scope of what we’re trying to do here. Instead, it examines the actual protocol of lactation induction through a nefarious reporter and interviews with an underqualified biology student named Ghost Machet. I hope you enjoy my project but don’t take it too literally. Making this was both a hilarious and an odd experience. I hope it is not taken out of context. If it is, I wish to explicitly state that I do not condone the inappropriate induction of lactation nor do I condone the peddling of drugs for the sake of profit.