1. Peder Rickbeil’s Project-Malaria and Blood Fight Back with Sickle Cell Trait

    The Objective was clearly identified and explained by Peder, 10/10.

    For depth of knowledge, I gave Peder an 18/20. The concepts he explains do go beyond what we have learned in class. I would have liked to know how “sickled cells do not have the ability to carry out their transportation functions”, like he wrote. We learned about this in class (how oxygen is transported by the red blood cells), so I think an overview of the material would have helped me connect the old information with the new. I think Peder did a great job.

    I would give an 18/20 for creativity because the red blood cells talking to each other are an abstract concept representing the actual communication cells have with each other. I think it’s a cute way of showing their communication and it made me laugh. I marked the project down because there are many projects like this so I would not say it’s the most creative concept.

    As far as implementation goes, I would give it a 16.5/20. The project is difficult to read, and it might have helped to type out the text or use a bold font. There’s also not a lot of parts to the project, as it looks simple and makes it seem like it’s not finished. It does not look like much time went into the actual making of the project because of this. I’m trying to figure out why some of the cells are on the wall of the project and others are not, so the presentation is a little confusing.

    I gave Peder a 14/15 for the written statement because I did learn more than the material in class covered. There was clearly time and research put into the paper and his presentation of the material through the written statement, it was clear and helped me learn more about sickle cell anemia and how it interacts with malaria. I do wish the project had been explained more in his statement because the photos are difficult to decipher.
    Citations 5/5, all three citations are peer reviewed.

    Brittany Mekiana

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