
Attached under the hyperlink is an image of my project and below is a video demonstrating how to play the game… and possibly breathing into the mic.

Steam Project

To understand the extent of atherosclerosis, it is important to understand what the heart does and how it functions normally. The purpose of the heart is to carry blood from all over the body and oxygen and other nutrients that the body needs. The heart is separated into two sides: the left side and the right side. And then halved again into upper and lower quadrants. The upper sections are the atrium, and the lower area is referred to as the ventricles. Blood flows out of the right ventricle to the lungs to get oxygenation, therefore losing its carbon dioxide. After it has been oxygenated, it then goes back up into the left ventricle and through the right atrium to then transported somewhere throughout the body. The part of the heart that we will be discussing for this illness is specifically the arteries. There are four different arteries that are part of the heart, and their primary function is to deliver blood to the heart. There is the aorta, the heart’s main artery, then the pulmonary artery, the second main artery. Then, there is the right coronary arty that branches off from the aorta and the left coronary artery that branches off from the pulmonary artery.

The illness in question is called atherosclerosis. When there is a build-up of plaque on the heart, and it hardens, limiting blood that can pass through the arteries. An article published by WebMD, called Clogged Arteries (Arterial Plaque), Reviewed by James Beckerman, MD, FACC, describes the plaque caused by material that floats around in the blood throughout the body. More specifically, “calcium, fat, cholesterol, cellular waste, and fibrin, a material involved in blood clotting.” The body also has a natural response to plaque build-up that causes more cell waste to be produced. This, in turn, makes issues worse inside the heart. Symptoms of atherosclerosis often will not appear until a significant event like a stroke or a heart attack. If there are symptoms from the plaque, it will show as chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, nausea, and sweating.

Atherosclerosis can be attributed to lifestyle and family history. This includes high cholesterol from highly processed foods, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity. The disease is treated in a variety of different ways, such as medications. This can include cholesterol medications, blood pressure, and blood thinners. Surgery is also an option for treatment. An Endarterectomy may be used in which is the surgical removal of the plaque build-up to clear up the artery. As well as making some general lifestyle changes may help overall. Losing some weight, eating less highly processed foods, exercising, quitting smoking, and reducing stress are all ways of treating atherosclerosis from home. As well as ways to prevent it from happening in the first place.

For my project, I decided that I would make a little game out of atherosclerosis. Attached is a picture I drew of a clogged artery. As well as pairs of items associated with this disease. Whether it’s something that can cause plaque build-up or ways of treating plaque build-up, the goal is to match up all of the tiny images until you’ve cleared the board of all of the tokens.












“How the Heart Works.” National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

“Heart.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

“Clogged Arteries (Arterial Plaque) – Causes, Dangers, Tests, Treatment.” WebMD, WebMD,

“Arteriosclerosis / Atherosclerosis.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 16 Mar. 2021,

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