I did my STEAM project on Crohn’s disease to learn more about it and its long lasting effects on people. I created this watercolor abstract painting to depict the digestive system and how/where Crohn’s disease affects it.
I did my STEAM project on Crohn’s disease to learn more about it and its long lasting effects on people. I created this watercolor abstract painting to depict the digestive system and how/where Crohn’s disease affects it.
Elayne’s STEAM project was on Crohn’s disease and where the effects of the disease take place. Her watercolor painting shows the different organs of the digestive system and she painted them distinct colors to differentiate between them. She then painted a close-up of the inside of the large intestine, showing where Crohn’s disease could be found. In the close-up she painted the inflammation blockages that are caused by Crohn’s. Crohn’s can be involved in any part of the gastrointestinal tract, but is most commonly found in the small or large intestine. Crohn’s is an inflammatory bowel disease and can range from mild to debilitating.