While bathroom business is not something everyone discusses, knowing what is normal and not can inform you about your health. Many digestive health issues can be detected by texture, shape, and color of stool. Remember this playdough model chart next time you visit the lou. Fecal Matters!
My STEAM project partner did a great piece on the several types of color, the consistency, general overall health, and concerns that can arise between different types of stools. She did this by making assorted colors and consistencies of “poop” out of play doh. Along with a list next to each, a common example of what it means by the type. In addition, she does a fantastic job in explaining that one should know what goes in their body to understand what is going out. This all can change what color or consistency your stool will come out as depending on the foods, medicine, or a sickness. As an example, if one were to take Pepo Bismol, you stool will come out black. This is because Pepto Bismol has bismuth, but there is no reason to worry if it happens a couple of times. Since are stool changes every day depending on what we ingest. What matters is if it is a consist issue. When it is consist depending on what color it is, can you give you an idea what is going on in our body. Such as people with exceptionally light, white, clay looking stool means there is no bile. Which could be from a bile ducts being obstructed or restricted. When it is some dramatic things such as white or black stool that is being caused by a disease or infection, there should be other signs or symptoms. For an example someone with Crohn’s disease would have frequent bouts of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and bloating.