I choose the objective to explain the benefits of breastfeeding for both baby and mother. For my project, I did a children’s book drawn by a child (mostly because I have no artistic bone in my body). This aspect of creating a book was meant to be able to show even children the importance of breast milk. In the book, there are two brothers one who drinks the honey (breast milk) and one who does not. Then throughout the story, it hints at the brother who did drink the breast milk seemed to be healthier and happier than the one who did not. The mother also experiences some side effects from each child. Breast milk offers more advantages than formula. Breast milk has hormones, cytokines, and growth factors. There are many benefits for the babies themselves. Children who were breastfed tend to have few instances of allergies, asthma, and eczema. They are also at a lower risk for diabetes and autoimmune disorders. Many children experience improved brain maturation and are less likely to be sick. Not only does breastfeeding help protect your child as a baby these benefits carry into adulthood. Teens and adults who were breastfed are less likely to develop arthritis, lupus, heart disease, and breast cancer. The mom also benefits from breastfeeding too. They are less likely for urinary tract infections, postpartum bleeding, anemia, and postpartum depression. After a baby, if a mother breastfeeds it stimulates the uterus to contract and return to normal size faster and promotes weight loss after birth. Breastfeeding can also create better bonds with a mother and baby.  A mother may be more likely to learn the baby’s cues. It creates a sense of calmness and increased confidence. Breastfeeding produces soothing hormones. These benefits also depend on how long a mother is breastfeeding her child. Breastfeeding for at least three months is associated with a lower risk of disease or infection. Breastfeeding for at least six months is associated with lower allergies, asthma, and eczema. The benefits of breastfeeding range through all areas of life and do not just stop when the mother stops breastfeeding. These benefits carry on even up until old age.

One Comment

  1. I really liked how Jamie presented the importance of breast milk. Moreover, I think it was wonderful that she decided to use these cute drawings to present the idea and simplify it enough that even children could read it and understand the context. In her drawing, Jamie used honey to represent breast milk. She emphasized on how much healthier, happier, and smarter the cub was who drank the honey compared to the cub who avoided it. Furthermore, she also showed how it affected the mama bear when Simba (the cub who did not want to drink the honey) rejected her. Breast milk offers many health benefits for babies and as Jamie explained, babies who are breastfed typically are least likely to suffer from any potential health risks. It has also been proven to aid in brain maturation and as presented through Jamie’s drawing, Miles who drank the honey was a little bit smarter than Simba. It was surprising to find out that there are actually negative effects to mothers who chose not to breastfeed. I did not know that mothers could potentially suffer from postpartum bleeding, urinary tract infections, anemia, and postpartum depression. I believe that knowing the benefits of breastfeeding should definitely push mothers to breastfeed, although I am sure that there may be certain instances where it could be a problem. Overall, I believe that Jamie did a great job in illustrating the idea of breast milk and I love that the story was short, sweet, and very straight to the point. lol.

    Lawrence Donnellan

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