I used corndogs to stimulate a healthy myelin sheath and an unhelthy myelin sheath do to Guillain-barre syndrome, I included pictures to illustrate the symptons of a damaged myelin sheath.

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  1. Abstract of STEAM Project, “Guillain Barre Syndrome Effects” by Raymond Fevos

    Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) is an autoimmune disease that destroys myelin sheaths in the peripheral nervous system. The immune system misguidedly orders white blood cells to attack the myelin sheath as if it was a foreign invader. The cause of GBS is unknown but appears to be triggered by a large immune response in the body such as influenza and zika virus infections or even some vaccinations. The swine flu vaccination program in 1976 was followed by an increased number of previously rare GBS cases. I find this information relevant to current events and very disturbing as the world faces vaccinations on a scale and speed this planet has never encountered before.

    GBS causes many complications due to it’s direct effect on the nervous system. Pain, tingling, loss of coordination, loss of muscle tone including bladder and vascular, uncontrolled blood pressure, and rapid heart rate are all signs and symptoms of this disease. Although not usually fatal, GBS can drastically affect the quality of life in all age groups. It has an indiscernible time frame of illness with many patients never fully able to resume normal lives even after inpatient rehabilitation. Prognosis for GBS is therefore unfavorable even in young patients who have a better chance to regenerate nerves, the damage to the myelin sheath can be irreversible. As the corndogs demonstrate, some things can’t be simply regrown or reassembled, which also speaks to the devastating power of our immune system and white blood cells.

    Adrianna Salinas

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