My project is about the tissue involved in the development of a cleft lip and palate. If a patient has a cleft lip they are more likely to have a cleft palate as well. My research covers how a cleft palate is developed in the womb to the consequences of not receiving surgery.

One Comment

  1. I found Yesenia’s essay about cleft lips interesting she has a well understanding and provides beneficial information, especially about the development of a cleft lip. Me also not that children with clefts have a deficiency of tissue and do not displace normal tissue. The cleft results are from failure to maintain an epithelial bridge due to lack of mesodermal delivery and proliferation from the maxillary and nasal process. I also liked how she incorporated technological advancements in obstetricians, where gynecologists can detect orofacial clefts in ultrasounds. The parents make this decision on whether to accept orofacial surgery. It seems that then recommended for a cleft lip to be surgically repaired with the first 12 months of life and the cleft palate to be worked on the first 18 months of life or anytime sooner. The sooner the repair, the likelihood of having less scarring. I also liked how she stated the consequences of not through with the orofacial surgery leading to a range of disorders listed neonatal feeding disorders, eating disorders, speech difficulties, dental problems, ear infections, and hearing loss, challenges of coping with a medical condition, dental deficiencies, and malocclusion. Making the cleft lip and palate are among the most common congenital disabilities. She also had discussed the reconstruction of the cleft through a multidisciplinary team. The team consists of a reconstructive surgeon, otolaryngologists, dentists and orthodontists, speech pathologists, audiologists, geneticists, psychiatrists, maxillofacial, and social workers prosthodontists. The treatment for the cleft palate has evolved. I also find her steam project to quite well done.

    Faith Hedrick

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