Osteogenesis imperfecta is often known as brittle bone disease. It is a rare genetic condition that effects the collagen that is suppose to provide support.

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  1. Katelyn’s piece is a beautiful painting with a subtle but in depth meaning. It displays two women with very different stories; one happy woman is carrying a healthy baby with ordinary looking bone structure, while the other sorrowful woman is carrying a rather unusual looking baby odd looking bones; the symptoms of osteogenesis imperfecta. She clearly demonstrates the effect of this mutation compared to other individuals by displaying 3D bones that appear normal in the happy woman’s child, while the bones created for the sorrowful woman’s child are broken, thin and oddly placed. She even uses a color gradient in the background of the images of the women to clearly show the viewer that there is in fact a difference, though small, and that this small difference leads to a lifetime of troubles. Osteogenesis imperfecta is known as brittle bone disease, due to the effect on collagen the mutation creates. The thin, broken 3D bones demonstrates type three Osteogenesis Imperfecta perfectly due to the broken, fractured bones in the woman’s womb.

    Michaella Smathers

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