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  1. After reading my partner’s work about MS I have gathered the following information. Multiple Sclerosis or MS is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the central nervous system that leaves lesions ( plaques or scars ) in the white matter of the CNS. This can lead to cognitive, physical, and neurological defects. Ms affects the muscles, musculoskeletal, nerves, nervous system, and the spine in the body. Inflammation of the CNS white matter is due to focal immune cells infiltrating and the cytokines are one of the main causes of the damage in MS. The T helper cells play an important role in the initiation and progression of MS because of the interaction between antigens. What also binds are pathogen-associated molecules, and they bind to receptors and produce cytokines that encourage inflammation.
    Another cause of MS is Fas Ligand ( FasL ) which turns out to be produced by lymphocyte cells. The Ligand binds to Fas receptors on what is called oligodendrocytes which begins the process of apoptosis causing the reduction of myelin synthesis cells and ultimately impairing the synthesis of the myelin sheath. MS is the cause of the degeneration of the nervous system. Myelin-forming oligodendrocytes become targets of inflammation and immune attacks. The myelin sheath protects the nerve fibers and the spinal cord begins to deteriorate when the body’s autoimmune system begins to turn on its self and attack its tissue. When the myelin sheath is broken or depleted the nerve impulses to and from the brain can’t function properly because the pathway is interrupted or destroyed.
    MS affects everyone differently depending on their body and how they take care of the disease.


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